

Reclaim Inner Strength Everyday 

Discover Your Inner Strength With RISE

RISE – Is A 5-Day, 15-Hour Online Workshop Designed To Help You Unlock Your Inner Strength Through Powerful Tools For Personal Growth And Transformation.

Scheduled on - 03 to 07 June 2024


Workshop Starts in…


What is RISE?

Reclaim Inner Strength Everyday

 In a fast-paced world where stress and anxiety can consume us, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. That’s where RISE comes in. Our transformative program empowers individuals to overcome challenges, break free from limiting beliefs, and unlock their full potential. Through experiential learning, mindfulness practices, and evidence-based techniques, RISE provides a roadmap for personal growth and fulfillment. Whether you’re facing a specific challenge or seeking a more fulfilling life, RISE gives you the tools and support you need to reclaim your inner strength and live your best life.

Who is RISE for?

RISE is for anyone who wants to achieve personal and professional growth, enhance their emotional intelligence, and improve their self-awareness. Here are some of the benefits you can achieve through the program

Professional Life

Personal Life

Whether you are a working professional, entrepreneur, student, homemaker or anyone seeking personal and professional growth, RISE provides a comprehensive framework to help you unlock your full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

EXTRA Bonuses

1. The 2024 Tall Elephant Journal- Your Personal companion in this journey of Awareness.

2. Self Reflection Journal – This is where you record an account of your work in progress, but more importantly an opportunity for reflection on the learning experience

3.Travel Journal – A pocket sized journal to carry around so that you won’t miss out on your journaling journey during your travel.

4. Aham Affirmations Kit – to improve their internal dialogue and achieve their personal and professional goals

5. Mini Notebook – A Beautiful notebook with floral framed margin design with a pocket in the back inner cover.

6. Courage to be Disliked – Hard bound copy of the Best Seller Book. The Japanese phenomenon that teaches us the simple yet profound lessons required to liberate our real selves and find lasting happiness.

7. Daily checklist (to do ritual list)- A checklist of some amazing impactful exercises that you should be following on a consistent basis and include them into your routine. Once they are being executed daily, be sure to see some great improvements in your Life!

8. RISE Empowerment Toolkit – We provide Methodologies and Tools kit of materials for attendees to continue their journey of self-work and compassion, long after the session ends. You’ll get E-Book and Physical copy of this.

9. Supportive Community – You’ll have access to a close-knit group of like-minded individuals, where you can also interact with Krupalini and get the help you need.

10 On-Demand Mindfulness – Gain access to pre-recorded mindfulness videos, so you can practice at any time, from anywhere.

11. Exclusive Access – Once you complete the RISE program, you’ll have the opportunity to enter our flagship Mirror or Transform with Krupalini Programs, which Krupalini successfully runs with corporations and individuals around the world.

12. Black Box – All the physical items comes in the Black Box

13. One-on-one Session with Krupalini – ICING on the Cake. You’ll get access to have a 30 min One-on-One Interaction with Krupalini. You can use this session to reflect or to get your queries answered in private. Are you ready to change your Life?

Concepts Covered

Do You identify with the following statements?

If Yes, Join Rise Today!


Workshop Starts in…



Are You Still Wondering If RISE is For You?

We understand that it can be a big decision to invest your time and resources into a program. But if you’re looking to unlock your inner strength, improve your communication skills, and learn practical tools for personal and professional growth, then RISE is the perfect program for you. Our unique blend of experiential learning, expert guidance, and supportive community ensures that you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and the skills needed to succeed in all areas of your life. Don’t let doubts hold you back, take the first step towards personal transformation with RISE.

How will RISE help You ?

Do you struggle with public speaking and presenting ideas in front of others?
RISE will teach you practical communication skills, body language techniques, and how to connect with your audience to deliver impactful presentations.

Do you find empathizing with colleagues or clients hard, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts?
RISE will help you develop your emotional intelligence and empathy, allowing you to build better relationships and resolve conflicts more effectively.

Do you feel stuck in your current role and want to take your career to the next level?
RISE will help you discover your inner strengths, build your confidence, and give you the tools to become a better leader and achieve your career goals.

Do you struggle with work-life balance and feel overwhelmed and stressed?
RISE will teach you mindfulness techniques and how to manage your time and priorities better, helping you to achieve balance and reduce stress.

Do you feel disconnected from your purpose and passion at work?
RISE will help you connect with your inner self, identify your values and passions, and guide you towards a more fulfilling career path.

Do you feel isolated or disconnected from others due to the demands of homemaking?
RISE provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and build a supportive community. Homemakers can learn how to better communicate your needs and desires, and build relationships with others who understand your unique challenges.

Do you struggle to balance your own needs and desires with the demands of homemaking?
RISE can help homemakers learn how to prioritize self-care and personal growth, while still fulfilling your responsibilities as a homemaker. They can learn how to set boundaries, manage your time effectively, and find a sense of balance and fulfillment in your lives.

Do you feel unappreciated or undervalued in your role as a homemaker?
RISE can help homemakers build confidence in your abilities and recognize the value of the work they do. They can learn how to better communicate your worth and negotiate for your needs, both within the home and in other areas of your lives.

Do you think you lack self-awareness and mindfulness?
RISE helps students to become more aware of their emotions and thoughts, which in turn can help them stay more focused and motivated in their studies.

Do you want to build confidence and self-esteem?
RISE provides students with tools and techniques to improve their communication, public speaking, and other soft skills, which can help build their confidence and self-esteem.

Do you want to develop a growth mindset?
RISE encourages students to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth, which can help them stay motivated and focused in their studies.

Do you want to improve your overall well-being?
RISE emphasizes the importance of mental and physical well-being, which can help students reduce stress and anxiety and improve their overall quality of life.

Reclaim Inner Strength Everyday

RISE is designed for anyone who wants to develop and enhance their personal and professional growth. Whether you are a corporate professional, a homemaker, a student, or someone who simply wants to improve their communication and interpersonal skills, RISE can provide you with the tools and insights you need to succeed. With its focus on inner strength and personal development, RISE offers a unique and transformative experience that can help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

*Picture Taken during UNSECO Hearltfullness conference in Hyderabad 2022

Program Details

  • Date : 11th to 15th September 2023
  • Mode of Delivery : LIVE on ZOOM


1. Discovering Your Motivations: Understanding the Why Behind Your Actions

2. The Science of Emotions: How Your Brain Processes Thoughts and Feelings


1. Understanding Your Triggers: Overcoming Reactivity and Embracing Emotional Control

2. Breaking Down Biases: Confronting Unconscious Beliefs and Assumptions


1. Keeping Your Cool: Techniques for Managing Stressful Situations with Confidence

2. Self-Compassion in Action: Applying Kindness and Forgiveness in Your Daily Life


1. Nurturing Yourself: Healing Your Inner Child to Build Resilience and Confidence

2. The Power of Gratitude: Finding Joy and Positivity in Daily Life


1. Rewriting Your Story: Changing Negative Self-Talk and Building a Positive Mindset

2. Reflections: On the session

Meet your


Krupalini Swamy is a remarkable mentor who has dedicated her life to empowering individuals to achieve their personal and professional goals. With a diverse background that includes engineering, academia, and leadership roles in the corporate world, Krupalini has a wealth of knowledge and experience that she brings to her mentorship.

Krupalini’s work has been recognized by prestigious organizations such as Niti Aayog, IIMB, and the United Nations. She has served as a consultant and trainer for UNICEF and UNESCO in India, and has conducted leadership training programs for companies like Synopsis and Mercedes-Benz.

As a mentor, Krupalini helps her mentees to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop a plan of action to achieve those goals. She provides guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the process, and helps her mentees to overcome obstacles and stay motivated.

Krupalini’s approach to mentorship is based on her own personal journey of self-reflection and growth. She understands the challenges that individuals face in their personal and professional lives, and she is passionate about helping them to overcome those challenges and achieve their full potential.

If you are looking for a mentor who can help you to overcome obstacles, develop your skills, and achieve your goals, Krupalini Swamy is an excellent choice. With her extensive experience, knowledge, and passion for mentorship, she is sure to inspire and empower you to reach new heights in your personal and professional life.


Most frequent questions and answers

– The course is in English.

– No, as it’s a live workshop we won’t be sharing the recording or the ppt

– The session will be held from 7pm to 10pm on all 5 days.

– We take 24 hours to process the orders. in case you have not got it still, please write to: customerhappiness@thetallelephant.com and our awesome support team will get back to you within 24 hours.

-No, this Workshop covers a wide variety of methodologies,  tools, and techniques to build your life. Ultimately the Workshop helps anyone upskill themselves and become a better individual. 

– Yes, you’ll have lifetime access to the bonuses. It’ll be in your inbox.


Workshop Starts in…
